What data does WellDatabase have?

WellDatabase pulls data from over 50 different sources. So what do we have? Here's a quick run-down of our data.

WellDatabase started by grabbing data from regulatory agencies. Our dataset grew and we expanded to other sources like university systems, Frac Focus, the USGS, and more. Today we have literally billions of data points. With so much data, it is easy to get lost. Here we'll break it down at a high level and provide links to additional details.

For a quick view of all data fields, you can download an Excel document of our data model.

Casing Records

Casing records are included in the the completion data from many states. Casing records are a key component of well construction and allow for better comparisons between wells and drilling strategies.

What data is contained in Casing Records?

Completion Records

Completion records range from simple dates when wells were completed to detailed information about the completion, IPs, and more. The data reported can vary pretty significantly from state to state.

What data is contained in Completion Records?

Core Records

The Core Records and Core Analysis Records provide data about reservoir rock properties and petroleum reservoir characteristics. The data includes measurements, permeability, density, and volume of the core sample.  

What data is contained in the Core Records?

What data is contained in the Core Analysis Records?

Directional Records

Directional records give you the step by step measurements taken from directional surveys. This data is typically pulled directly from the directional survey tables filed with regulatory agencies.

What data is contained in Directional Records?

Directional Step Formation Records

Directional step formation records give you a listing of known formations at each step in the directional formation. This can help you ensure you understand the geology and how it moves throughout the lateral of a well. The data is calculated using Geologist picked tops, standardized across our entire dataset.

What data is contained in Directional Step Formation Records?

Disposition Records

Disposition records contain the information reported as to how production is disposed. This data includes everything volumes of oil trucked, gas flared, gas sent to pipeline, gas used on site, and more.

What data is contained in Disposition Records?

Environmental Incident Comment Records

Many environmental filings have comments attached and those data points are captured here. As expected, the comments field has very little structure to it and is primarily used for learning additional context around environmental incidents.

What data is contained in Environmental Incident Comment Records?

Environmental Incident Records

Environmental records are not very standardized across the country. We do our best to capture data made available, but the regulations from state to state vary greatly. Types of incidents, responsible parties, and more are available here.

What data is contained in the Environmental Incident Records?

Environmental Incident Substance Records

Environmental incident substance records exist to standardize substances spilled or otherwise exposed in environmental incidents. With so many variations in reporting, we created this table to better allow for analysis of the volumes involved in environmental incidents.

What data is contained in the Environmental Incident Substance Records?

Formation Records

Formation records contain the list of formations and depths as reported by operators. Most states require some level of formations to be documented either with drilling plans or in completion documents. 

What data is contained in Formation Records?

Frac Ingredient Records

Ingredients are reported to Frac Focus from nearly every oil & gas producing state. This data is notoriously dirty from Frac Focus and we go to great lengths to make it usable. 

What data is contained in Frac Ingredient Records?

Frac Stage Records

Frac stages are a extremely rare item to find in the public space. The data here is primarily from a couple Canadian provinces that publish this data. We do hope to expand this dataset via data extraction from completion documents in our system.

What data is contained in Frac Stage Records?

Gatherer Records

Gatherer records are available in a limited number of states. This data includes who the gathering company is for all product types as well as volumes introduced to the gathering system. 

What data is contained in Gatherer Records?

Header Records

Header records are the root data type for all wells in WellDatabase. This data type contains all identifying information for a well, including API, well name, operators, dates, and more. You will also find our Infinity ID, which is a global identifier that lets you tie information from all data types back to the well.

What data is contained in Header Records?

What is an Infinity ID?

Where do I find subsurface data?

History Records

History records are a simple accounting of changes to a well during its lifetime. These records may be directly reported as history from a regulatory agency or can be calculated by WellDatabase based on changes to data obtained from regulatory agencies and other sources.

What data is contained in History Records?

Injection Records

Injection records contain a monthly record of volumes injected by injection and disposal wells. The records will include CO2, Water, Gas, & Other injection volumes along with the permitted and actual pressures.

What data is contained in Injection Records?

Interpreted Formation Records

Interpreted formation records contains formation data as calculated using our proprietary defined tops and interpolation algorithm. These records allow for more consistency between wells.

What data is contained in Formation Records?

Perf Records

Perforation records will contain records of perforation intervals in the completion. Some records will contain numbers of shots and other information, but those details can be hit or miss in the public space. 

What data is contained in Perf Records?

Permit Records

Permit records contain all permits cataloged on a well. These permits can be new drills, re-completes, deepening, plugging, and more. We also catalog the dates of all actions related to the permit.

What data is contained in Permit Records?

Plug And Abandon Records

Plug and abandon records give you the details provided about the process of plugging and abandoning wells. This data is provided by a limited number of regulatory agencies.

What data is contained in Plug and Abandon Records?

Plug Records

Plug records identify well plugs used for any process in the well. This data also has limited availability, but cataloged when made available.

What data is contained in Plug Records?

Production Forecast Records

Production forecast records give you a forecasted volume at a monthly level for the next 10 years beyond the last known production date for a well. These values will be updated with every production report to reflect any changes.

What data is contained in Production Forecast Records?

Production Forecast Summary Records

Production forecast summary records roll up the forecast data for various spans of time. Examples include oil & gas production/forecast over spans of 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, 20 year, 25 year, and more.

What data is contained in Production Forecast Summary Records?

Production Records

Production records account for the majority of the data in WellDatabase. Here you will find a monthly record for production on every oil & gas well in our database. Production history varies from source to source, but all sources go back a minimum of 30 years and some closer to 100.

What data is contained in Production Records?

Production Summary Records

Production summary gives you a rollup of a wells production data. This includes cumulative production, production over various time spans, decline percentages, and more.  

What data is contained in Production Summary Records?

Rig Records

Rig records give a historical view of when rigs were cataloged on wells as well as some summary information about the drill.

What data is contained in the Rig Records?

How do I locate rigs on the map?

Spacing Records

Spacing records contain various properties calculated by measuring the distance between parallel well bores and other offset wells. These measurements are provided for both wells in matching formations and wells outside of the target well's formation.

What data is contained in Spacing Records?

Stimulation Records

Stimulation records give you the details of a well stimulation. These stimulations will primarily be fracs, but can also contain various acid treatments or other well stimulations.

What data is contained in Stimulation Records?

Stimulation Summary Records

Stimulation summary records roll up information about the frac on a well. This includes sums of proppant, water, and other particular ingredients. 

What data is contained in Stimulation Summary Records?

Test Records

Test records contain all of the detail provided on initial and annual tests. It is common to see a more robust dataset for initial tests vs subsequent testing. Data points such as pressures, pump information, flowing methods, gravities, and more can be found here.

What data is contained in the Test Records?

Tubing And Packer Records

Tubing and packer records are another vital piece of information when understanding well construction. Like casing records, these records are relatively simple and important for understanding and comparing wells.

What data is contained in the Tubing and Packer Records?

Water Chemical Records

Water chemicals are details of the water samples in the USGS water database. The chemical records break down the various chemicals detected in the samples analyzed.

What data is contained in the Water Chemical Records?

Water Summary Records

Water summary information is an overview of water data pulled from the USGS water information database. 

What data is contained in the Water Summary Records?

Well File Records

WellDatabase has cataloged millions of files relating to wells. These files vary from regulatory documents to plats to logs and more. The data contained here gives you the information about what files are available. Downloading the individual files must either be done on our portal or using our API.

What data is contained in Well File Records?

How do I download multiple files at one time?

How do I export documents with the WellDatabase API?

Well File Tag Records

Well file tag records contain sets of tags applied to well files. These tags are things like log, permit file, completion document, etc. 

What data is contained in Well File Tag Records?

Well Financial Records

Well financial records contains information about the costs associated with the well. The majority of these costs are calculated using average values adjusted for the properties of the well.

What data is contained in Well Financial Records?

Well Location Records

Well location records contain a record for each source that reports a location on a well. Examples are proposed locations from permits, actual locations from directional surveys, locations as reported from Frac Focus, and more. This table also stores the original values and datums for reference.

What data is contained in Well Location Records?

Well Summary Records

The well summary record contains multiple fields that are aggregates of data contained in other records. Examples are total feet perforated, min and max casing sizes, oil gravity, permit to spud days, and more.

What data is contained in Well Summary Records?

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