This article provides a overview of the various data types included in the Frac Ingredient Record.
Chemical Identification Fields
- CAS Number: The Chemical Abstract Service identification number
- Name: Name of the chemical or chemical family name for Trade Secret chemicals
- Reported Chemical Name: Chemical name or family name as officially reported
- Trade Name: Product name as defined by the supplier
- Reported Trade Name: Product name as reported by the supplier
Concentration and Mass Data
- Concentration In Frac Fluid: Percentage by mass of the ingredient in total hydraulic fracturing fluid volume
- Max Concentration In Additive: Maximum percentage of the ingredient in the Trade Name product (Top of the range from MSDS)
- Mass Ingredient: Total mass of the ingredient used
Supplier Information
- Supplier: Company that supplied the product (typically the service company)
- Reported Supplier: The name of the company that supplied the product for the hydraulic fracturing job (Usually the service company) as reported
Purpose and Classification
- Purpose: Intended use of the product (e.g., Surfactant, Biocide, Proppant)
- Is Proppant: Flag indicating if the chemical is classified as a proppant
- Has MSDS: Flag indicating if a Material Safety Data Sheet exists for the ingredient
System Identifiers
- Well Id: Unique well identifier
- Completion Id: State completion identifier
- FF Id: Frac Focus internal unique identifier
- Id: Internal unique identifier
- Internal Id: Integer-based unique record identifier for quick querying
- Simple Id: Well identifier formatted as an integer for simple querying
- Date Catalogued: Date and time the record was catalogued into the export database
- Date Created: Date the record was created in WellDatabase
- Date Last Modified: Date the record was last modified in WellDatabase
Additional Information
- Comment: Any additional comments or notes related to the specific ingredient
Data Model
The schema in our data model provides a complete and detailed framework for capturing and analyzing the data available in WellDatabase.
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