This articles gives an overview of the data points that can be found in the Production Summary Records.
Production summary gives you a rollup of a wells production data. This includes cumulative production, production over various time spans, decline percentages, and more.
Cumulative Production Data
- Cumulative BOE: Cumulative barrels of oil equivalent produced (1bbl/6mcf)
- Cumulative Oil: Cumulative oil produced in bbls
- Cumulative Gas: Cumulative gas produced in mcf
- Cumulative Water: Cumulative water produced in bbls
- Cumulative Days: Total number of days well has produced
- Cumulative GOR: Cumulative Gas-Oil ratio
- Cumulative GLR: Cumulative Gas-Liquids ratio
- Cumulative WOR: Cumulative Water-Oil ratio
First and Last Production
First: 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, and 60 months
Last: 1, 6, 12 months
For each period, the following data points are captured:
- BOE: Total barrels of oil equivalent for period
- BOE Decline: Total decline for period as defined by (1 – (min month boe / max month boe)) * 100
- Month Days: Number of producing days in the period
- Month Gas: Total gas for period in mcf
- Gas Decline: Total decline for period as defined by (1 – (min month gas / max month gas)) * 100
- GLR: Gas-Liquid ratio for the period
- GOR: Gas-Oil ratio for the period
- Oil: Total oil for period in bbls
- Oil Decline: Total decline for period as defined by (1 – (min month oil / max month oil)) * 100
- Water: Total water for period in bbls
- Water Decline: Total decline for period as defined by (1 – (min month water / max month water)) * 100
- WOR: Water-Oil ratio for the period
EUR (Estimated Ultimate Recovery) Data
- EUR BOE: 20 year or actual estimated ultimate recovery BOE
- EUR Oil: 20 year or actual estimated ultimate recovery oil
- EUR Gas: 20 year or actual estimated ultimate recovery gas
- EUR Water: 20 year or actual estimated ultimate recovery water
- EUR Oil Best Fit Type: Type of decline curve determined to best fit the existing oil production
- EUR Oil Best Fit B Val: B value determined to best fit from the existing oil production
- EUR Gas Best Fit Type: Type of decline curve determined to best fit the existing gas production
- EUR Gas Best Fit B Val: B value determined to best fit from the existing gas production
- EUR Water Best Fit Type: Type of decline curve determined to best fit the existing water production
- EUR Water Best Fit B Val: B value determined to best fit from the existing water production
IP Data
- IP Oil: Initial oil potential
- IP Gas: Initial gas potential
- IP Water: Initial water potential
Important Dates
- First Prod Date: First reported production date
- Last Prod Date: Last reported production date
- First Test Date: First date of recorded well production test
- Last Test Date: Date of last production test performed
Record Management
- Id: Internal unique Identifier
- Internal Id: Unique record identifier as an integer for quick querying
- Well Id: Unique well identifier
- Simple Id: Integer-based well identifier for quick querying
- Date Created: Initial record creation date
- Date Last Modified: Most recent modification date
- Date Catalogued: Export database cataloging date
Data Model
The schema in our data model provides a complete and detailed framework for capturing and analyzing the data available in WellDatabase.
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