What is a Well Detail Report?

This report contains a wealth of information about a single well. Including location data, permit dates, production volumes, EUR, test data, and much more. 

Report Cover

The cover page of each well detail report is designed to offer you a comprehensive overview of a well's key information in a format that is easy to understand and navigate. It presents all the high-level details of the well in a clear and concise manner, allowing you to quickly grasp the essential information you need.

Whether you are a geologist, a production engineer, or a data analyst, the cover page provides you with a snapshot of important details such as the well's API number, location, operator, status, and key dates. Additionally, it includes other relevant information like the production, test, and EUR volumes. 

This centralized summary page serves as a gateway to all the in-depth information and data available within the WellDatabase platform for a specific well. 

This popular report has a wide range of applications and is frequently shared with individuals both within and outside of your organization.

Well Detail Report

Tip: On the lower right corner of each cover page, you will find a convenient link that directly takes you to the Well Detail card within the WellDatabase platform.


Supporting Data

The length of the supporting pages will differ for each well, depending on the amount of data available. These pages contain valuable information on various aspects, such as Permit Data, Completion Data, Perforation Data, Production Test Data, Frac Data, and Formation Data. 

Below is an example for: SEMINOLE SAN ANDRES UNIT 3907

Permit Data

Completion Data


Perforation Data

Production Test Data

Frac Data 

Formation Data 

Download Report: 

From the Well Details Card, click reports in the upper right corner, the select the Well Detail Report, and click download. 

Or from the list view, select one or more wells then click reports in the upper right corner of the list to start the download process.