Can I locate well name using lat and long?

If you only have the latitude and longitude as information for the well you are looking for, this article will guide you on how to locate the corresponding point on the map.

In order to demonstrate, we will use the WellDatabase map to locate the following latitude and longitude coordinates. After locating it on the map, we will check if there is a well present at that particular location.

Latitude: 31.6335163

Longitude: -95.7636566

We will begin by zooming out of the map to display the entire map. However, if you are familiar with the state of the latitude and longitude, you have the option to zoom in closer to that specific area. Then, right click anywhere on the map and select "add marker". 

In the screen that appears, simply enter the coordinates. If desired, you can also include a label for the marker. Then click add. 

A marker  will be added to the map to indicate the coordinates you have entered. Then, simply zoom in

If a well exists at the coordinates you have entered, a well spot will appear at the bottom of the marker. Click on the well spot to view the name of the well.

If you're interested in accessing more information about the well or verifying the latitude and longitude, you can easily do so by clicking well details

The general tab in the well details will provide the surface and bottom hole latitude and longitude.