Monthly production, summaries, or forecasts - getting production data has never been easier.
After applying filters to get the exact wells list you want to export, click the List button at the top right of the screen. There you can select specific wells to export or export all.

Once you click the export button, the export wizard will open. Your first choice will be to select if you want to use an existing template. If you have not created any templates yet, then your only choice will be New. You will have the option to save our settings as a template at the end of the process.
Select your template, choose Last Used Settings or New, and click Next

The next step is where we pick the file type we want to export. We support exports to a number of formats. For more details on any format we provide, see Which 3rd party software does WellDatabase export to?
Once you choose your export format, click Next.

This step only applies to customizable exports like CSV, Shapefile, & Excel exports. Other export types are pre-defined and do not require you to select the data you want to export.
The data in WellDatabase is organized so that you can export the data you need without export a bunch of fluff you don't. Since we're talking about exporting production, we'll select Well Headers & Production. Well Headers contains the general well information that is often wanted in exports.
After selecting the types you want to export, click Next.

The next step is to define exactly which fields you want to export from each of the sections defined in the previous step. This allows you to fully customize your export to what you want.
Since we selected Well Headers & Production, we'll need to select the fields from each of those types. First is Well Headers.
There is an Add All button as well if you just want everything. That's what we'll click here for simplicity's sake and then click Next.

Last thing to do is to name your export. This is also where you can save your settings as a template by click the checkbox next to Save Export Settings for Reuse. Saving a template can really save time if you have a few standard exports you regularly use. Now we'll click Finish to kick off the export.

You will get a green pop up letting you know the export has started and a blue one when it is finished.

In addition to the notifications, your export will be dropped into your My -> Files section where you can download it any time you want. You can also manage your exports by going to the My -> Exports page.

- How do I export lease level production?
- How do I access my exports?
- What are advanced exports?
- How do I export lease level production?
- How can I find the first 90 day production for area?
- Can I download multiple files at one time?
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