There are three main ways to extract coordinates for well locations: 1) Well details: general tab 2) List view 3) Well header exports.
Well Details:
The Well Details tab is a great way to access a multitude of data for a single well. Here I’ll illustrate how to find the latitude and longitude coordinates for a well in the Well Details.
To enter the Well Details, you must first find the Well on the map and click on the location (BHL for Horizontal Wells).
In the example below, I have the wells Colored By Operator. Once you have clicked on the location, a dialog box will appear. On the bottom right corner of this box, you can select the Well Details (see red box).
On the Well Details pop-up, you will see the General tab. This tab is similar to a Well Header in which you are able to find information like Field Designation, Current and Original Operator, Well Status, etc. At the bottom of the tab are the latitude and longitude coordinates for the Surface Hole Location, and in the case of a horizontal well, the Bottom Hole Location.
Select the list view in the top right corner. You can hide analytics to give the list more space or keep it in the view.
Click the on any of the columns in the list. Drop down to columns and add latitude/longitude.
The lat-long will now appear as columns in the list view. I have temporarily removed the other fields from the list.
Save the lat-long for multiple wells easily by clicking or
at the top of the list.
Follow the data export wizard:
- Choose file type
- For this example, I only selected: Well Headers for data types.
- To ensure that I could identify which well the lat-long belongs to, in addition to latitude and longitude, I also selected API and well name.
- Document will export with all requested information.
As you scroll your mouse across the map, you will be able to see the lat-long at the bottom of the map change. However, for the lat-long associated with the well, use one of the methods listed above.