How do I save my export configuration as a template?

After selecting the data types and attributes (columns) for an export, you can save these configurations to avoid repeating the setup each time.

While you can choose to "add all" data types and/or attributes for a quick export, you may also want to take the time to configure your desired choices. 

There are many choices to make when setting up an export template for the first time from what types of data are you capture to which columns you need in the spreadsheet. Once you have completed this set up process once, use the following steps to save time in the future. 

Where do I locate the Data Export Wizard?

The 5 Data Export Wizard Steps

  1. Template - This step will allow you to either select a previously saved template or create a new export.
  2. Settings - Choose the file type format (see a list of supported file types). 
  3. Data Types - These are the individual files that will be exported or the tabs in the single workbook Excel file. 
  4. Attributes - These are the columns in your spreadsheet.
  5. Review - Allows you to give your file a name, and/or create a template of the exports selections. 

1. Template

To start a new template, simply click on "New" under the saved templates. This will provide you with a blank slate to customize and create your new template.

2. Settings

Next choose your export format. 

Note: Custom exports like PHDWin, ComboCurve, and Aries will automatically skip steps 3 and 4 as they come with pre-set configurations.


Caution: When opting for Excel as your export format, it's important to note that Excel has a limit on the number of rows it can handle. If your export exceeds this limit, the export will fail. In such cases, selecting CSV is a better option. After exporting as CSV, you can open the file with notepad or another text editor instead of Excel.

3. Data Types

Choose the specific data categories you want to include in your export. For this particular export, we have opted for well headers, production data, and production forecast summary.


4. Attributes

Next, you will choose the columns that will be displayed in each spreadsheet. It is important to select these columns for each of the three files you are exporting. For example, if you need to identify data by API number, make sure to include the API column for all three selected data types.

5. Review

When you reach this step, it is important to name your export template rather than focusing on the specific export itself. By checking the "Create Export Template" box, you are creating a description for your template.

For our example, you could name it "Header-Prod-Forecast" or "Production Export" instead of being specific to a certain export like "Horizontals_MartinCo_Texas". 

Once your export has completed, you can download the file to your computer. You can access through your notifications, or My>Exports

Accessing a Previously Saved Template

After saving a template successfully, it will be available in the dropdown menu during the first step. By selecting your preferred template, you can directly proceed to step 5 and bypass the need to go through the data type and attribute selections again. The default file name will be based on the template name, but you have the option to change it before finishing the export process. 

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