How do I recreate the 'Rig Operator Basin Pivot Report' for a different timeframe?

WellDatabase offers exportable rig reports, and we recognize that there may be occasions when you require a deeper dive into historical data beyond what the standard rig reports offer or need to the same data across a different timeframe.

The pivot chart in the 'Rig Operator Pivot Report' can be recreated for anytime frame through Rig Dashboard's table for any timeframe. 

Pivot Tab

Let's begin by navigating to the analytics tab, then select the dashboard dropdown and opt for the rigs dashboard.

Next, ensure the selection option is set to Current Operator - Aliased. 

Then, in the dropdown, set the date range that you want the analytics to gather data for. 

Scroll past the charts to the table at the bottom of the dashboard. Click on the gear in the header of the chart and to mirror the Rig Operator Basin Pivot report, select to pivot by Basin and set the Aggregation type to count. 

The results displayed in the table will represent the pivot tab of the Rig Operator Basin Pivot Report found on My>Home for the specified timeframe. 

Data Tab

To recreate the data tab for a different timeframe, use the filter for last rig date and use the desired date range. 

Note: If a rig has been on this location since the timeframe you are searching, the rig will no longer appear in these results. 


Subscribe to the Rig Operator Basin Pivot report to have the report emailed to you weekly. 

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