Easily identify wells that have had a permit in a specific timeframe, or have ever had a permit.
Utilize the filters and navigate to the "Event Dates" section.
Permits in a Date Range
To search for any permit within a specific date range, you can utilize the Last Permit Date. If you leave the second box in the range empty, the search will include permits up to the current date.
Tip: Using a date range with the First Permit Date may result in missing some of the desired results. For instance, if a well obtained its first permit in 2000 and subsequently received additional permits after 11/1/2010 (as mentioned above), these wells will not be included in the results because the FIRST permit was issued prior to the specified date.
On the other hand, the Last Permit Date will retrieve ALL permits within the specified timeframe.
If you prefer not to include permits up to the current date, you can specify an end date by using the second date box. For example, the screenshot below will display wells that were permitted specifically in the year 2020.
Permit Over the Life of a Well
Use First Permit Date: 01/01/1900 and no end date if you want to view all wells that have ever been permitted.