Easily find lease counts based on your search filters through the Production dashboard.
To determine the total count of leases on your map according to your search filters, the initial step is to access the Production dashboard in the analytics section.
Next, group the analytics by lease.
At the bottom of the production dashboard, a table will be displayed, showing each of the leases on your map.
By hovering over any of the lease names in the table, you can view the wells associated with that lease on the map. The well spots within this lease will be prominently highlighted on the map, while the other well spots will be dimmed. To explore further information about any of the leases, you can click on the lease name.
At the bottom of the table, the total number will be displayed. In the screenshot below, both the list and analytics are showing - where you can see that 68 total leases appear on the map, with a total of 1614 wells.