How do I share a search?

Exploring in WellDatabase can surface some pretty amazing insights. Sharing a search is the perfect way to share those insights with anyone.

Searches are viewable by anyone, regardless of whether they have a WellDatabase account or not. User’s with active WellDatabase accounts will have additional functionality enabled based on their subscription.

To get started, click on the share button at the top of the filters pane.


Once you click the share search button, you are presented with a dialog to give your search a name and a description. This is important as it will be at the top of the page when you share the search.

Once you click Created, you’ll get a link you can share.

You can also choose to include the analytics in your share. This will allow users with the link to view the map and analytics together.

In addition to simply sharing a link, you can also choose to embed your search on a site or social media post. Clicking the Show Embed Code button will give you the markup you need to drop the search in.

Sharing data and analysis has become an important part of many workflows today. It’s easy with WellDatabase.