What are the differences between the dates?

Understanding the distinctions between the date attributes is important when ingesting bulk data and deltas. 

It is valuable to recognize the differences between the date attributes when processing large amounts of data and changes.

Our dates are used to track when changes last occurred, here is an explanation of the dates WellDatabase uses for different purposes: 

  • DateCreated is when the record was first captured by our system.
  • DateLastModified is the last date the record was updated in our system.
  • DateCatalogued is the date the record made it to the public WellDatabase systems.

The difference between DateCreated/DateLastModified & DateCatalogued reflects the time it took for our systems to run our rules and push the data from the private internal system to the public facing/production WellDatabase system.

DateCreated will be older than or equal to DateLastModified and then DateLastModified will be older than or equal to DateCatalogued. 

For a full list of our data definitions, click here.